This week I worked the final three days at the switchgear factory. Mainly assembly of components, but also stock taking - I think I counted well over 6000 items. I am now proficient at counting - four at a time. I was able to take some more photos and people were actually wanting to make conversation. I learnt two Thai curry recipes (provided below) - i am yet to test them. I talked to a 25 year old man who was very keen on film (in particular the Alien series); he talked with some genuine opinion and passion about it. I am sure he would love to work on film sets - he was surprised when I told him it wouldn't be that difficult to get in to - and he said he was aching to change jobs - "sort out my career". "I might be a forklift driver".
I noticed a few things I hadn't noticed before in the factory - namely some interesting design by the workers. Incidental design, and I doubt the person who did it thought anything of it, but pretty original all the same! Below are some examples as well as a couple of other things... I don't want to use the term 'outsider art' as I think it's pretentious and raises the critic on a pedestal (which isn't really there). So maybe it's factory-art or something... Doesn't matter really.

I like this hose-clip packaging.

Pretty bored counting so I made this lovely Xmas decor from the left over labels.

Maybe not 'good design' but I know someone who will adore this.

Curry 01

Curry 02
I like the coffin/boat/car thing.
Where is your next Temp assignment?
Well. Where I have started this week is a small business where they screenprint glass bottles for restaurants and hotels to use for table water. Interesting process, but all I am doing is putting the tops on the bottles (those ceramic ones that pop on and off). Should have some stuff posted by end of week...
Dan your blog is awesome welcome to the blogging community
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